.. _version_history_1.31.0: 1.31.0 (Pending) ================= Incompatible behavior changes ----------------------------- *Changes that are expected to cause an incompatibility if applicable; deployment changes are likely required* * **thread_local**: Changes the behavior of the ``SlotImpl`` class destructor. With this change the destructor can be called on any thread. This behavior can be reverted by setting the runtime flag ``envoy.reloadable_features.allow_slot_destroy_on_worker_threads`` to false. Minor behavior changes ---------------------- *Changes that may cause incompatibilities for some users, but should not for most* * **tracers**: Set status code for OpenTelemetry tracers (previously unset). Bug fixes --------- *Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects* * **outlier detection**: Fixed :ref:`successful_active_health_check_uneject_host `. Before, a failed health check could uneject the host if the ``FAILED_ACTIVE_HC`` health flag had not been set. * **tls**: Fix a RELEASE_ASSERT when using :ref:`auto_sni ` if the downstream request ``:authority`` was longer than 255 characters. Removed config or runtime ------------------------- *Normally occurs at the end of the* :ref:`deprecation period ` * **http**: Removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.handle_uppercase_scheme`` runtime flag and legacy code paths. * **http**: Removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.lowercase_scheme`` runtime flag and lagacy code paths. * **http**: Removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.proxy_status_upstream_request_timeout`` runtime flag and lagacy code paths. * **tcp**: Removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.detect_and_raise_rst_tcp_connection`` runtime flag and legacy code paths. New features ------------ * **matching**: Added :ref:`Filter State Input ` for matching http input based on filter state objects.